
Zicht op Uitzicht

Photo album, 68 pages, 21x21 cm, hard cover. A limited number of pages are shown on this website.


In this book 'Zicht op Uitzicht' the meaning of the word 'uitzicht' (view) is literally approached from a different angle. According to the Dutch dictionary Van Dale, 'uitzicht' refers to the ability to look outside. The photos in this book do not show 'looking outside', but focus on what makes looking outside possible. Windows: in all shapes and sizes, but always in a strict pattern.

In this book, a pattern of three by three windows is alternated with photos of windows that may deviate from it but do evoke an association. The windows photographed in this way leave it up to the viewer to imagine what the view could be.

Colourful Constructions

Photo album, 30 pages, 28x21 cm, hard cover.


Older industrial sites are sometimes extremely boring and visually neglected: often the same material in a functional design.

It does not inspire and motivate.

That can be different and with more fun. How cheerful and inviting it becomes with more color!

Four times Four

4 frames, 50 x 50 cm, each with 4 prints.


An experiment with colors. Four images were each edited four times to realize the same image in different colors. A slightly different approach has been chosen for each image to vary colours.